Yuzhnouralskaya TPP-2: 6D technologies

Initial item condition

Yuzhnouralskaya TPP-2 energy complex is located in Chelyabinsk Region and was launched in 2014. It is a thermal power plant with gas- and steam-turbine plants. The object includes three energy blocks, support facilities and utilities. Expert team of LMP Project Group joined the project when the construction was at the stage of engineering completion. At the beginning of the cooperation the TPP had incomplete 3D model of the object under construction, which required improvement. Within the scope of the project, there was no information on the form, location and size of the construction details. The system did not provide for preparing of schedules, downloading of design documentation, analyzing utilities crossover and other clashes. The object faced the very real prospect of failure to procure equipment, submit the documentation, etc.

Participation of LMP Project Group team in the project

The existing 3D model was gradually improved to the comprehensive information and process model, and a number of services in terms of 6D object management model were rendered.
The resource base was worked out in detail and 3D model was completed with the necessary information and attributes.
Construction scheduling was optimized with reasoning of strict deadlines and convenient monitoring of the works performed at every stage.
A tool for construction tasks generation was implemented.
A schedule template was prepared and a methodology for issuing weekly and daily contractor tasks was provided.
Risk and clash analysis was performed, after which LMP Project Group experts developed the ways of their elimination.


сформирован чётко рассчитанный график проектирования/работ/поставок на весь цикл строительства;
разработан удобный электронный формат взаимодействия с каждым подрядчиком;
устранены риски срыва сроков сдачи документации, получения поставок оборудования и другие за счёт перепланировки процесса работы;
устранены возможные пересечения коммуникаций и иные коллизии благодаря анализу проектировочных данных;
сгенерирован полный комплект рабочей документации, принятый и реализованный без изменений.
The participation of LMP Project Group in the construction of Yuzhnouralskaya TPP-2 helped provide an accurate work system and reduce the construction terms by 20 %. The management technology generated during the cooperation can be applied by the TPP as well as NPP.

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