Visualization of Construction Management Plan and Work Plan (CMP/WP) from LMP Project Group


Visualization of construction management plan is based on calendar-network plan of civil and erection activities. As a result of schedule integration with the three-dimensional model, virtual master plan of the future facility is created. It is constituted by unified information space with a clear indication to arrangement of buildings, premises and systems, use of materials and equipment at every section of the facility.

The visualization service is applicable for creation of integral facility model and model of individual sections of the facility. Such approach ensures checking of work feasibility and its compliance with safety requirements and determines competent allocation of resources.
Visualization of construction management plan is based on calendar-network plan of civil and erection activities. As a result of schedule integration with the three-dimensional model, virtual master plan of the future facility is created. It is constituted by unified information space with a clear indication to arrangement of buildings, premises and systems, use of materials and equipment at every section of the facility. State-of-the-art way of planning by LMP is designed for:
  • Checking every civil operation prior to the facility erection;
  • Determination of availability of any resource and its sufficient scope;
  • Assessment of correctness of activities sequence.
The visualization results in avoidance of collisions and unforeseen incidents at the construction site. The customer also gets a possibility of timely providing a certain construction phase with resources in the necessary scope. Visualization of work plan is implemented by means of integrating detailed design documentation with the 3D-model containing information on the equipment required at the site and its characteristics. It allows demonstration of how a specific industrial technology will be implemented in practice. Such way of data processing by LMP determines:
  • necessary actions of erection experts;
  • tools and mechanisms required for work;
  • rationality of technology application in the given conditions.
Preliminary WP visualization makes possible a competent preparation for complex erection activities and escape from their repeated performance in the event of initial failure.

Dassault Systemes platform is the main tool applied by LMP Project Group Company for visualization of CMP and WP. Based on it, we can generate a calendar plan and industrial design of civil and erection activities or use options provided by the customer. Our experts are also prepared to develop the 3D-model for you or work in the existing one.

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